It had already been open for a few hours and all of this was still left. There were some items I thought about buying but opted out since I really had no place for them. This rocking chair would have been perfect for a nursery and that’s exactly what I told the woman who bought it. I told her it would be super cute painted and with new cushions – not bad for $8. There was even an old push mower!

Then I saw this…
This I NEED…well not exactly but I thought it would be great to house all the fancy china and the antique tea cups that belonged to my grandmother that we received for our wedding. So I decided I would come back at 2pm and if it was still there it was destiny and I’d have to figure out how to get it home. Yep…that day HB had the car as he was working a couple hours away. So I walked the smaller table home and quickly walked back to the flea to get in line by 2. Yep I had to GET. IN. LINE. – you see at 2pm they open the doors and it is a scene out of Running of the Brides. People scrambling to pick up things they don’t really need, all because its free. It is very interesting to see what people select when it is free. Bad news was that the china cabinet was gone but good news (I suppose) was that this fantastic coffee table was left over and desperately wanted to come home with me.
So I picked it up and walked it home...yep a whole .7 miles carrying it by myself I swear the thing weighs 50 lbs, but it was FREE! More applause from the same volunteer who complimented my side table choice.
My arms are still sore – best workout I have had in months... Best part…ready for it? It was made in the USA! Oh and it was free…did I mention that yet?!
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